Saturday, December 7, 2019
Completion Tasks In An Appropriate Manner -Myassignmenthelp.Com
Question: Discuss About The Completion Tasks In An Appropriate Manner? Answer: Introducation The ability to lead an individual or a group of people and motivating them to work and in simpler terms it can be expressed as an ability of of stimulating and guiding the individuals to work for a common organizational objective (Wisetoast 2018). This activity involves sound and difficult decisions making and thus developing and enunciating the vision and also establishing achievable goals and targets. This is to be done by offering the followers with the appropriate set of data and knowledge. The below-presented essay is focused on the development of the leadership model. Issues in leadership model My personal leadership style basically is the autocratic leadership and according to that, I keep on trying to maintain significant control over the staff and rarely consider the suggestions of the team mates. Usually, most of the decisions are taken without considering interference and involvement of any of the individuals within the team. And due to which the team mates rarely trust the decisions executed. The working environment is also very highly rigid and highly structured. Due to this, my credibility has been observed to a declining stage. This is one of the biggest issues that have been faced by me. And most of the times, it has also been observed that the staff is reluctant to the decisions made. Important traits, skills, and tasks of an effective leader Successful leaders are considered as the power and understanding of the business corporation. There are various skills, traits, and tasks of an effective leader. Recognition of the good qualities is also must so as to make use of the same for effective outcomes. One of the most required traits in a leader is his passion (Northouse, 2015). He is required to be passionate about his tasks and work and should feel the allotted work as significant. Transferring that passion to the teammates will develop enthusiasm and will also help in motivating them. The leader is also required to be a good communicator. The words spoken should be clear for the better understanding of the teammates and thus leading to effective outcomes. The tasks and the projects should be properly explained to the teammates. Core values that leadership model emphasizes Values are considered as the guiding principles for our lives. Leadership is conducted within the framework of the values. There are many core values in my leadership model and the same are described as follows. Respect is one of the prime values and that can be demonstrated by self-respect and respecting others (Masonleads 2018). As per this value, I treat my teammates with dignity, empathy, and concern. Integrity is another value of my leadership style model. This can be presented by the moral strength, trustworthiness. I keep promises and also try my best for fulfilling them. Authenticity is another component of my leadership style and according to that consistency and transparency is maintained by me in the beliefs and actions. And last but not least is the sense of humility and according to which I have a sense of humbleness and also aware of the self-limitations. Attainments of leadership practiced There is number of targets that are desired and are required to be attained under my leadership model. The first one to be taken on the priority is the team and task management in an ethical manner. I try to pursue a fair and friendly working environment and culture so as to make the accomplishments of the tasks in an unethical manner. The next target to be attained is the equality or no discrimination on any grounds. Developing a fair and unbiased environment is one of the main targets of my leadership model. Recognizing and giving value to the teammates and their work is another target that should be fulfilled. Maintaining discipline and strictness sometimes proves beneficial. This can lead to better outcomes for the team as some of the individuals have a habit of working under strict environment. This will reap benefits for the team and my leadership as if the employees are feeling that they are valued then they will be motivated and will work harder. These are some of the achieve ments that are required to be practiced under my leadership model. Benefits to the organization My leadership model has been developed on the base of three pillars that are ethics, teamwork, and management. All these components aid me in playing my obligations in a proper manner and that reaps the desired outcome. For instance, ethics assist me in working in a correct manner, making use of fair options and appropriate methods and also maintaining a sense of equality amongst all the teammates. This aids me in attaining my personal and organizational goals. If the workforce of a firm is working ethically then the entity will be having a positive image in the minds of the consumers and will have a strong goodwill. The next is the teamwork and for that, I regularly organize team activities for developing a sense of mutual understanding and cooperation amongst the teammates. This will increase the team strength and will enable the accomplishments of the team and personal goals with a greater effectiveness and efficiency (Goleman, 2017). The last pillar is the management. I always st rive to manage the task and the team inappropriate manner. So as to reap the desired targets and that will also be proven beneficial for the business firm. Culture of the organization On the basis of the analysis of my leadership model, it has been executed that the Adhocracy will be the type of culture that will be followed under the guidance of my leadership within the organization. This culture will be proven much beneficial for the business firm as it is based on energy and creativity (Popinnow 2016). Under this culture, the teammates and the other employees will be motivated and trained to take the risk and the senior authorities will be playing the role of innovators. The organization will be held together by experimentation while signifying integrity and freedom. The main values of the culture are rooted in teamwork, the process of communication and consensus. Difference in the leadership model After analyzing the current leadership model it has been observed that there are differences in the current leadership model and my leadership model. The currently existing is democratic leadership and in this model, the teammates and the subordinates are involved in making decisions. The main focus was on the contribution of subordinates. Involving teammates can go negative sometimes. Situations of miss-management and conflicts can arise due to the involvement of all the teammates and that can be problematic for the organization. Whereas, my leadership model does make the involvement of the teammates and the control of decision making resides in the hands of the leader. As a leader, I am held responsible for the decisions taken and as the teammates are not involved the decisions are quite accurate as the management and the senior authorities are involved. Application of leadership model The leadership model adopted by me is an autocratic form and under which the leader is considered as the whole and sole of the team. The controlling and decision-making powers are residing under the leader. Application of my leadership model basically is dependent on their basic pillars and that are the ethics, teamwork, and management. These are the core elements that aid me in executing all the operations and functions. The first element is ethics that aids and assists me in developing a fair working environment in the organization and will surely lead in reaping desired and positive results. The next is the teamwork through which the completion of tasks is ensured with a higher level of efficiency and effectiveness. Teamwork also enhances the brand value of the organization as it is reflected in the service delivery. The last is management that enables s the team and completion of the tasks in an appropriate manner. References Goleman, D., 2017. Leadership That Gets Results (Harvard Business Review Classics). Harvard Business Press. Masonleads, 2018, Core leadership values, Assessed on 28th January 2018, Northouse, P.G., 2015. Leadership: Theory and practice. Sage publications. Popinnow, 2016, The four types of organizational culture, Assessed on 28th January 2018, Wisetoast, 2018, 12 different types of leadership styles, Assessed on 28th January 2018,
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