Saturday, February 15, 2020

Humanities Paper Ella Minnow Pea Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Humanities Paper Ella Minnow Pea - Essay Example Again, Orwell and Dunn speak about cruelty of a government in totalitarian country, so ban here comes from up-high authority. But nowadays we see a tendency of shorting words inside one language and high level of linguistic borrowing one culture from another not only because one culture influences and subdues another, but also because in one culture there’s more handy word to name a particular thing. Then borrowing’s reasonable and comes from people (usually from Internet), and globalization helps in making borrowed word popular. If language change comes from people, not from rulers, we don’t think it’s a sign of enslaving. People seem to have a silent agreement to make native languages more common, more like each other to simplify process of communication and understanding. How it can be a bad thing? Also, everything now is on a way of simplifying, and such changes come from all people’s silent agreement. We’re not forced to it, we will it. So can tendency be considered positive or negative depending on where it comes from, if it’s still the same tendency? If changes come from us we think that’s normal; the same change comes from government and we think it’s silly and brutal. But in fact, there’s just a tendency of simplifying things. And language, of course, is an important thing, but still just a part of a general

Sunday, February 2, 2020

Research paper on unemployment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Research paper on unemployment - Essay Example According to BLS, those who are qualified for employment are those civilians aged 16 years and above. The employed are those aged 16+ and were working for pay during the survey period or those who did at least 15 hours unpaid work in family owned enterprises. The unemployed on the other hand, refer to those who did not have a job but had been actively looking for work four weeks prior to survey and are currently available to work. The labor force comprises all those employed and unemployed and these amounted to 155 million people out of U.S population of approximately 315 million people in 2013 (BLS, nap). Those not looking for a job such as the retired or schooling are not part of the labor force since they are neither employed nor unemployed. For those who are involuntarily unemployed, they receive government benefits in the form of unemployment insurance (UI) to compensate for lost income (Bakke 734). However, the voluntarily unemployed comprising of those dismissed for gross misc onduct, those who leave work without a good cause, and those who refuse to work do not qualify for UI. The UI eligibility rules also exclude independent contractors, self-employed and agricultural laborers. The basic duration of regular state benefits in U.S is 26 weeks (737). The problem with these definitions is that they ignore those who have given up looking for work but are willing to work and also those in part-time employment and would like to engage in full-time employment as they are counted as employed. Furthermore, the BLS telephone surveys which are carried out every month do not consider those who do not have telephones especially the poor hence they may not be representative of the population. However, over time the results reflect what is happening in the economy and now the big question is; what causes unemployment? One of the major factors that cause unemployment is the