Friday, November 29, 2019
Three advantages of regulatory oversight for Gardasil to the health care provider
Acts as a good source of financial returns to health care providers The idea of Gardasil reveals importance of information and data sharing amongst regulatory authorities. There is higher percentage of individuals going for the vaccine; mothers encourage their daughters to go for the vaccine in order to escape the possibility of developing cervical cancer in future. This yields good returns to health care providers since they generate a lot of money out of such ignorance. Therefore, oversight of regulatory on Gardasil vaccine seems to be concerned more on marketing and influence than on the scientific effectiveness of the vaccine (Erickson, 2011).Advertising We will write a custom research paper sample on Three advantages of regulatory oversight for Gardasil to the health care provider specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More It gives the health care providers the benefits of prescribing drug coverage to many individuals Gardasil vaccine has been marketed for a long time as one of the vaccines having the capability of preventing cervical cancer. However, an oversight was discovered in assessing its efficacy. The vaccine is considered as one of the primary treatment against cervical cancer instead of being one of the intervening vaccines against sexually transmitted diseases. Gardasil vaccine can only sustain not more than four years clinical trial, this makes it unsuitable for use in the prevention of cervical cancer which develops within longer periods of time (Erickson, 2011). Concerning the above, health care providers gain the benefits of prescribing drug coverage and emergency care services. This is since Gardasil vaccine serves only a small percentage on the purposes of preventive care. Patients are eligible to visit any participating doctor or medical specialist for further direction on the use of Gardasil vaccine. This means that payments are made to individual care givers for the purposes of consultation. I f they choose to deal with outside health care providers, they still benefit but at higher share cost (Erickson, 2011). The health care providers have the advantage of administering the vaccine to women including young children who are not yet sexually active There is also the concept of risk-benefit balance which cannot change regarding Gardasil vaccine; this is attributed to insufficient information given about the drug. Vaccines are usually administered not to sick but healthy persons for prevention purposes. This makes it clear that the levels of uncertainity from the drug are expected to be minimal, hence presenting low level of risks to individuals. This is one of the ways through which health care providers benefit since they understand that though the vaccine might not be of greater benefit, its side effects on individuals can be tolerated (Milenkovic, 2004). Gardasil vaccine is administered against sexually transmitted diseases to even young children, an idea that is genera lly considered unwise. This age group of less than twelve years is most likely targeted for the purposes of the spreading phobia on the dangers of the disease, and at the same time maximizing on vaccine sales. All these activities surrounding the vaccine are not in any way scientifically valid. Administering the vaccine on young children has not been approved compared to other age groups; this is because cervical cancer is only prevalent amongst sexually active adults.Advertising Looking for research paper on health medicine? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Gardasil vaccine is meant to prevent cervical cancer in women, however the current statistics also reveal that the disease is already uncommon in women, at the same time vaccines more effective than Gardasil are already present within the market. However, Gardasil presents health care providers with alternative means that is cheaper (Ayoub, 2003). The oversight by regulato ry agencies makes majority of the adult women to fall candidates of Gardasil vaccination, this is since women are encouraged to go for vaccination before HPV infection is established. This oversight has however led to breaking of moral rules safeguarding the field on healthcare, since health care providers consider the vaccine good idea even before undergoing efficacy tests (Ayoub, 2003). References Ayoub, D. (2003). What is wrong with the HPV vaccine mandate in Illinois? Illinois: Springfield Erickson, N. (2011). Gardasil vaccination: Evaluating the risks versus benefits. Retrieved from Milenkovic, M. (2004). Healthcare Cost and Utilization Project. Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality Statistical Brief. Web. This research paper on Three advantages of regulatory oversight for Gardasil to the health care provider was written and submitted by user Victor Bean to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.
Monday, November 25, 2019
dias de los muertos essays
dias de los muertos essays During the first and second of November, Mexicans celebrate death and the remembrance of their deceased family, friends, and relatives, this is known as Dias de los Muertos, or Days of the Dead. The families of the dead prepare an alter in their home by using boxes to form a pyramid shape and a white table cloth to cover it. Candles are lit to represent each dead family member, as well as four candles to signify the four cardinal directions, along with flowers, and food and drink are prepared. For the family and friends of the dead, this is a time of healing and acceptance. In Mexico, death is not feared, but rather considered as a reward from life. It is also believed that it is the next phase of life. Family members welcome back the deceased into their homes. The alters have items on them which each symbolize something. For example, water, salt, and bread are used for purification, season food, and represent necessities for continued existence. Materials of hygiene are also placed at the alter so the spirits are cleansed upon their return. Calaveras are hand crafted skeletons also placed at the alter to represent each loved one and their character and hobbies. Another symbol used is copal which is the sap of a Mexican tree. It is burned as incense to ward off evil and to attract spirits to their homes. The tradition of Dias de los Muertos began when the Celtic dead had access to earth on October 31st. They celebrated, wearing animal heads and hides, dancing, and burning crops and animals in huge bonfires as contributions to the dead. Then, the church set November 2nd as All Souls Day to honor the dead. This was celebrated by people who dressed up as saints, angels, and devils, along with bonfires and parades. However this tradition was not completely accepted and today, All Saints day and All Souls day honor the dead with color and candles. I think this holiday is a good way for families and friends to remember...
Friday, November 22, 2019
The Global Village Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
The Global Village - Essay Example Perhaps, even the feelings of sadness would visit me as I make my travel papers ready. Of course, I will also wonder about the new country that I’ll be living in. I certainly would be excited if it were a nation in Europe, or an Asian country, like Japan or China. However, I would have serious reservations if it were Central Africa, or a highly conservative Muslim nation. I prefer working in a country that is not wracked by wars or insurgencies for practical reasons. Also, I want to be safe and secure from needless danger. I do not mind having a foreign roommate as long he or she is friendly and maintains good hygiene. I have no problems getting along with people of different nationalities, setting issues of language aside. I have no problems meeting new people and making new friends while being abroad. It will be a meaningful experience and would also be of much help as my stay in a foreign country goes by. Appreciation for other people is always a good thing, and it will also give me a chance to learn their own culture and
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT IS FUNDERMENTAL DISCUSS - Essay Example The uncertainties brought about by globalisation and technology have reduced business performance, challenged information systems management, ‘and making the selection of new IS all the more critical’ (Raymond et al., 1995; Choe et al., 1998 as cited in Newkirk et al., 2008, p. 198). Firms have to design operational plans and structures to reduce the effects of risks and uncertainties. Managers and employees must be involved in the process of change. The activities and complexities involved in change are large and if these are implemented late, they can lead to disaster for the firm (Black & Gregersen 2002, p. 5). Effective implementation of strategic change requires a combination of several factors, like an application of values and principles along with change in the organisation’s culture. It is said that ‘culture is a barrier to change’ (Robbins 2001, p. 516). The business environment is continuously changing, and so people in the organisation hav e to change. Continuous learning and knowledge management must be introduced in organisations. Activities in strategic change involve large group meetings across many departments of the organisation, which should cooperate to craft a collective future. If large groups are involved, change can happen faster than expected as the entire organisation is involved. Plans and activities should be aligned with the overall strategy wherein everyone has to work for change. Small and large organisations can work for strategic change and the fundamental framework is to get everyone in the organisation provide talents and capabilities. (Jacobs 1997) Planning is an important factor in strategic change, and time comes with planning which is too often overlooked. A plan structure is a key to a successful change. (Newkirk et al. 2008) Definition and concept Change occurs every day for firms, but change is not all the time bad. Change can provide a window of opportunity for firms. Successful firms to day were battling the forces of change before and they emerged successful, like Microsoft, Apple, Wal-Mart, and many others (Pasmore 1994, p. 4). Business change is defined as ‘the rate of product/series obsolescence and the rate of product/services technology change’ (Miller & Friesen, 1983 as cited in Newkirk et al, 2008, p. 200). Technology and expertise help in the process of business change. There are catastrophic consequences for not meeting the challenge of change. Established companies experienced the negative impact, like Xerox, Lucent, and Kmart in the United States, and other companies in Europe and Japan. These companies assigned new managers but still failed. Only when they realised the lessons of their failures did they get things straight and they became successful. There are other thousands of managers whose careers were severely affected because of ineffective change measures. No matter how good are managers’ experiences in leading change, they m ay falter because of the many barriers to change. People resist change. Business environments are dynamic and may change anytime in the course of business. (Black & Gregersen 2002, p. 5) A principle in meeting the challenges of change is that a leader must not force to meet change right away, or he/she may encounter a strong force of resistance. Instead, the leader must have a map or a plan, conceived as mental maps, in order to be effective in battling the
Monday, November 18, 2019
Essay convincing students of the benefits of studying abroad - 1
Convincing students of the benefits of studying abroad - Essay Example Students get to interact with the locals on a daily basis and through this they learn and experience the culture of the host society. They learn new customs, traditions, foods, social conventions, beliefs, and values, experiencing the cultures in depth. With the new experience, students learn to appreciate their culture and the new culture. Interacting with new cultures make the students break cultural barriers they had before. Being in a foreign country, offers students the chance to visit tourist attractions such as museums, landmarks and natural wonders in the host country. Studying abroad provides an opportunity to learn a foreign language. Students often learn foreign languages in classrooms while in their countries and rarely get to practice it in real life settings. Learning abroad provides the environment to improve one’s language skills. As students interact with peers, they practice and perfect their skills regarding the foreign language (McKeown 42). Written language sometimes differs from the spoken language, being immersed in the culture, they have firsthand experience even learning slang, which is not taught in the classroom. Different countries have varied styles of education. The same concepts that students study may be expressed in a new style that is different from their country of origin. When student from different backgrounds study together, they discover new ways to study and research. Ideas they share are from diverse perspectives, influenced by varied experiences and cultures. Their discussions have a global perspective, avoiding bias influenced by one way of life. Global problems influenced by differences in cultures and religions are understood and addressed with informed sensitivity Students abroad find themselves alone, often for the first time, in a foreign country. They have new found freedom and responsibility. Studying
Saturday, November 16, 2019
Punctuated Equilibrium Theory
Punctuated Equilibrium Theory Puppet With businesses becoming increasingly dependent on IT systems which are constantly becoming larger and more complex, its critical that they are managed efficiently. Systems administrators are tasked with the management of these systems, with a large amount of their time being spent on repetitive processes such as deployment, configuration and updates. Puppet provides an expansible configuration management platform that can be used to help automate these tasks, increasing the speed, reliability and auditability of the process. Puppet works by providing a language that allows you to define exactly how your infrastructure should be configured. This provides consistency across the infrastructure and increases security by ensuring all systems are configured correctly. If a configuration change is needed, the change only must be made once before it can then be pushed out and applied to the entire infrastructure. This also inherently improves the auditability of the infrastructure by ensuring all security and compliance policies are rolled out across the entire organization. A graphical dashboard allows the status all parts of the organizations infrastructure to be tracked and can generate reports, providing a quick and easy way to complete security and compliance audits. The Health industry has some of the most onerous compliance requirements to ensure the strict security of patient data. Implementing Puppet would allow system administrators to streamline the compliance process by pushing required configuration and software updates across their entire infrastructure quickly and easily. An important part of demonstrating compliance of security policies is ensuring users only have access to the systems they are authorized to use. Puppet includes role-based access control features which allow administrators to assign specific permissions to users on both an individual and group level and can be integrated with existing directory services such as Active Directory and OpenLDAP. Ensuring users have access to the systems and hardware they require to complete their respective roles without impacting productivity whilst maintaining security and compliance is key to ensuring a successful workplace. Larger Health organizations such as Ramsay Health Care which has over 220 hospitals and day surgery facilities across Australia, France, the United Kingdom, Indonesia and Malaysia (About Ramsay Health Care, n.d.) could take advantage of the high availability and scalability of Puppet. High availability configurations eliminate downtime by having multiple Puppet servers across multiple locations which provide failover and redundancy in the event of an outage at another location while also ensuring performance. Puppet can be configured to manage any number of nodes across any number of locations which can help consolidate staff and ensures consistency across all locations. The Punctuated Equilibrium Theory suggests that within the Information Technology industry, technology is primarily in a state of equilibrium, with only minor changes occurring. However occasionally technology can go through short revolutionary period that can disrupt the equilibrium and bring on large disruptive change, which will then become the basis for the next equilibrium period. Adoption of this technology offers to change how infrastructure is managed in a revolutionary way. The implementation and management of the underlying systems can be automated in a way that allows staff responsible for these tasks to spend less time on repetitive system configurations and fixing known issues. With business becoming increasingly reliant on on-premises, cloud and hybrid-cloud infrastructures its only a matter of time before automation platforms such as Puppet become commonplace. References Grudin, Jonathan. (2012) Punctuated equilibrium and technology change. interactions 19, 5 (September 2012) 62-66. doi: 10.1145/2334184.2334200 Krum, S., Hevelingen, W. V., Kero, B., Turnbull, J., McCune, J. (2013). Pro Puppet. doi: 10.1007/978-1-4302-6041-7 Puppet. (n.d.). Puppet The shortest path to better software. Retrieved March 11, 2017, from Puppet. (2016, August 2). How Puppet works.[Video file]. Retrieved from Ramsay Health Care. (n.d.) About Ramsay Health Care. Retrieved 15 March 2017, from
Wednesday, November 13, 2019
Kudler Fine Foods Case Study :: Kudler Fine Foods Case Study Analysis
Kudler Fine Foods is an organization that wants to evolve and mature as a company and implement practices that illustrate their growth as a company. One particular practice that Kudler Foods wants to implement is reaching out and contracting to local farmers to gain access to organic foods for sell within all three branches of Kudler Foods (UOP,2008). By implementing such a new system changes will have to be made primarily within the company’s operations management. This paper will discuss the needed changes and alterations that need to occur in order to maintain their efficiency as a company. In addition to the operations management changes, supply chain, quality control tools and performance standards will also be accessed in regards to how they are impacted by the introduction of the sale of organic foods. Operations management is the process an organization uses to obtain the materials or ideas for the product that it provides, the process of transforming them into a prod uct, and the process of providing the final product to a user (Gomez-Meija & Balkin, 2002). Under operations management there are 3 stages that consists of the process that a company typically accesses or follows through with. They include: acquiring inputs, controlling the conversion process, and delivering the output (Gomez-Meija & Balkin, 2002). In the eyes of Kudler Foods, acquiring inputs would be receiving organic foods from local farmers and growers. Acquiring product for Kudler Foods is typically done by purchasing from distribution centers and warehouses. Each of the managers will individually place an order with suppliers using a standard purchase order form based on their department’s needs or wants (UOP, 2008). In terms of price, there is not a standard price for items. Department Managers are just instructed to find the best possible price leaving disparities in costs between each store. With the implementation of organic foods, Kudler Foods should consider setti ng universal accepted prices amongst the stores and local farmers. The managers should still order their products based on their stores supply and demand. A universal or joint ordering system can result in waste or unused products. Organic foods is a special circumstance item because typically especially products such as produce, they have a short shelf-life. Which becomes especially important when purchasing organic foods, which is widely known to be more expensive than non-organic foods (2002) So, it would be best to keep the separate ordering system in place.
Monday, November 11, 2019
‘The Making of Modern Russia’, 1856-1964
a) To what extent do these sources agree that Russian government policy on agriculture consistently failed and that peasants resisted it under both Tsarist and Communist rule? Source1 concerns the emancipation statute of 1861. Western historian Ronald Hingley cites the introduction of redemption payments â€Å"serfs resented receiving too little land for their needs†this undermines the fundamental aims of the policy. Source 1 makes reference to how the Mir was in charge of paying the redemption payments for the whole village. Hingley points out that â€Å"individual peasants were bound in various ways to their village communes†; peasants were detained in their villages until the payments were received. Hingley notes the creation of Special Courts delegated to discipline unruly peasants â€Å"the flogging of recalcitrant peasants†this is evidence of peasant rebellion, mainly due to the fact they were in a poorer position after emancipation than they were before the policy was introduced. Source 1 suggests agricultural policies were a failure, and provoked peasant uprising, due to the hope the emancipation edict gave peasants of being free. Source 2, meanwhile, presents a mixed view on Stolypin's agricultural reforms. Unlike Source 1 from 1992, this piece of evidence was documented circa 1906. It is therefore unaffected by later analysis or post-Communist interpretation. The first quote is from Stolypin himself, stating that the government has placed â€Å"its wager†on the â€Å"sturdy and the strong†, this indicates that past agricultural reform, such as emancipation have failed, as further â€Å"wagers†or reforms were needed. The other two quotes deal with Stolypin's reforms more directly. The second quote is from a Tsarist Official. It provides direct evidence of rebellion by peasants towards Stolypin's reforms â€Å"The peasants were very hostile to the Law of 9 November†rebellions were commonplace, peasants feared that if land belonged to an individual as opposed to the commune, a consequence would be some would be left with nothing. The third quote is from a peasant, it is important to not that 10% of the peasants in Russia did take up Stolypin's proposals. Segei Semenov endorses Stolypin's reforms anticipating a â€Å"bright new future†this challenges the notion that all agricultural policies consistently failed. Stolypin's reforms were based on good principles that could have revitalized agriculture in Russia. This does suggest that this reform did bring some success, but the general consensus confirms that many peasants preferred social security resulting in the failure of the policy. Source 3 is an excerpt from a meeting between Churchill and Stalin during the Second World War. We se Stalin's personal view regarding the collective farm policy, it is thus a subjective piece of evidence. Stalin implies suggests that the collective farm policy was a failure; he refers to the policy as â€Å"a terrible struggle†. Stalin insinuates peasant resistance against the policy, stating some kulaks were â€Å"wiped out by their labourers†the resistance was a product of peasant reluctance to work on collectivised farms. The farms provided little reward or incentive to the actual peasants growing the grain resulting in the dramatic deterioration of the quality and quantity of the grain. Source 3 ends with an important comment that food supply had been â€Å"vastly increased†this indicates policy victory. However modern evidence undermines Stalin's statement, STATISTIC more and more people were dying of famine during the period of collectivization. Although, Source 3 opposes the view that agricultural policy failed, its reliability is debateable and should be questioned before it is taken into account. Source 4 is an extract from Eduard Shevardandse's ‘The future belongs to Freedom' Source 4 describes the Virgin Land Schemes introduced by Khrushchev/. One must note that the writer was a Communist Youth League activist, and may have been more likely to exaggerate the support the peasants actually gave to the scheme. There is no mention of opposition to the scheme, on the contrary Shevardandse describes the â€Å"trains packed with young volunteers†this stands for optimism on part of peasantry towards the scheme. Source 5 confirms the implication in Source 4 of support in some measure for the project as the scheme did successfully increase the amount of grain produced between 1958 to 1965 from 100 to 114. While the evidence in Source 4 may be true to some extent, the reliability of the source is questionable. The other factor source 4 presents is the relative success of the scheme. Source 5 does seem to disagree with the statement that the policy failed due to the increase in grain production. In Source 4 it is suggested that the policy could have been a triumph had it not been for â€Å"stupid decisions†which weighed down many successes. These â€Å"ill-conceived strategies†included lack of coherence between the crops and the terrain, and deficiency of storage place for the grain, consequently the â€Å"crops rotted in the fields†. Source 5 reinforces the feeling that the scheme was a failure, as the agricultural output during the seven year plan only increased by 14%, the target for 1965 was 170, only 114 was achieved. Source 6 also argued that Khrushchev's policy was for the most part unsuccessful. However the failure is blamed on Khrushchev's inheritance of â€Å"a generation of neglect†. The reliability of some sources must be taken into consideration. Some sources suggest subjectivity and bias such as Sources 3 and 4. Policies such as Stolypin's land reforms and Khrushchev's Virgin Land Schemes are shown to have limited success, but ultimately they both failed to reach targets required. By and large, all the sources do converge in the belief that most of the agricultural policies did fail consistently to a degree. Similarly there is evidence that it was resisted by Peasantry both under Tsarist and Communist rule.
Saturday, November 9, 2019
World View
Using the concept of a ‘world view', identify some of the beliefs and attitudes, particularly to education and learning that you bring to your learning now. Reflect critically on how your worldview has been shaped by factors such as your gender, age or community. In your answer refer to Hobson (1996) and Samovar and Porter (2004) from the SSK12 Reader, and Chapter 1 in A Guide to Learning Independently (Marshall and Rowland, 2006, 1-18). The world view I hold in regards to education and learning is that it is a privilege made available to all of us within Australia. I believe that education is the key to the world. Education is the foundation of life. Everything in life revolves around education and learning. In this essay I will explain to you why I think education is a privilege and that education is an essential part of life. The factors that shaped this world view of mine are my family, age, gender and community. Firstly I will define they key term â€Å"World View†Hobson (1996, p 2) defines it as â€Å"the set of beliefs that we hold and through which we organise our understanding of ourselves and our understanding of others†an other way of defining world view is the way Samovar and Porter (2004, p 1) say that it is an â€Å"overarching philosophy†meaning an overall view. So my world view is formed because of these factors I am in my twenties, I am female, I live in Australia and I come from a family where education is highly valued as it is the key to success. My age impacted my world view towards education and learning. In 90’s at secondary school there was a lot of emphasis on completing your high school certificate (Year 12) and moving onto university learning. I did not however follow this philosophy of going to university. I always knew though that there were many options available to me, if later I wanted to return to study. I did know that I still needed to gain more education so that I could gain employment in a field of my choice. I chose to become a hairdresser and had to gain a Cert III in Hairdressing at a TAFE institution. I excelled in this learning environment and knew that knowledge meant power. I have that knowledge still with me now as I enter into university learning that knowledge means power. This knowledge will provide me with the power to continue my learning to better myself as a person. Having a baby and becoming a mother changed my life, it also made me realise even more so the importance of education and learning. Watching the way my son learnt new skills intrigued me, I wanted to learn more about educating children. This interest led me to explore my options about returning to study. There were so many options now that were not available when I finished school. I decided that I would enrol in a distance course a Bachelor of Education Early Childhood, so that I could still stay home with my child while he was in the most important stage of his life. When learning skills from me, would mean that his foundations for life would be set. I believe that I am privileged to have the opportunity to return to study, to change my career and also to increase my knowledge on education as knowledge is power. Family is the major contributing factor to my world view. My family always regarded education as a major priority and we all agreed that Education is the foundation for life. I believe now that I am a mother I can see even more so the truth behind what I believe and what my family believe about education. I know that providing my child and children in general with the best possible education while they are young will give them a good foundation to base the rest of there life on. Everything in life is about learning, from learning how to walk and talk, to learning to drive a car we are learning in every facet of our lives continually. Within my family, community and culture I believe gender is no barrier, when is comes to education and learning. In some cultures though, woman are seen as being not equal to that of a man. I n the Islamic world view women are definitely seen as a slave to a mans needs. In Samovar and Porter (2004, p1) they quote Bianquis. T. 1996) they see this point as well â€Å"Generally speaking woman as an individual was subordinated to man both Quran and the Hadith. God created woman from a fragment of a man’s body that she might serve him†. My mother was my role model that woman can be educated professionals, and she always instilled in me that woman can do anything a man can. My mother rose up above the notion of her time in the 70’s that woman were to stay home and run a household. So as a result of this I always k new that throughout my education being female would not be an issue. I believe that yes we are privileged to be able to gain a quality education irrespective of our gender. A belief I have is that education is the Foundation for life. If you stop and just think about your life you soon realise that everything you do in life is learnt. Everything we know today stems from education and learning. Just think about all the new drugs that are created to cure diseases, all this brilliance come from educated people that are learning about these diseases in order for them to create these miracles. They are using there educations in the best possible way by helping the people of the world. This is why I believe that education can change the world. What I bring to my learning now is that I understand where education stems from and that is the key and the foundation for life. I have had an up bringing that fostered learning and that is why I am now continuing to study and gain a degree in education. With this degree I will be able to teach Australia’s young children the foundations of learning. We all learn in different ways but we as human being are continually learning and thinking every minute of every day. The following quote from Marshall and Rowland (1996, p10) is proof of what I am saying â€Å"All of us are living and thinking subjects†¦Everybody both acts and thinks. The way people act or react is linked to a way of thinking, and of course thinking is related to tradition. †With this said I believe that yes thinking is a critical part of learning. The most important beliefs and attitudes I hold towards education and learning make me a better and more independent student. It is a privilege that here in Australia any body from anywhere in the world can come and gain an education. Education is a key to the world; anything can be achieved if you have the right education. Education is the foundation of life. Education and learning can even make the world a better place. My world view is shaped around these factors my age, gender community and most importantly my family. It is such a privilege that we are given the opportunity to learn. Education and learning is the way forward to the world being a better place!
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Profile of Author Lois Lowry, Newbery Medal Winner
Profile of Author Lois Lowry, Newbery Medal Winner Author Lois Lowry is best known for The Giver, her dark, thought-provoking, and controversial fantasy, which is a young adult novel, and for Number the Stars, a childrens novel about the Holocaust. Lois Lowry received the prestigious Newbery Medal for each of these books. However, what many people dont know is that Lowry has written more than thirty books for children and young teens, including several series. Dates: March 20, 1937 - Also Known As: Lois Ann Hammersberg Personal Life Although Lois Lowry grew up with an older sister and a younger brother, she reports, I was a solitary child who lived in the world of books and my own vivid imagination. She was born in Hawaii on March 20, 1937. Lowrys father was in the military, and the family moved a lot, spending time in various states and in Japan. After two years at Brown University, Lowry married. Like her father, her husband was in the military and they moved a good deal, finally settling in Cambridge, Massachusetts when he entered law school. They had four children, two boys and two girls (tragically, one of their sons, an Air Force pilot, died in a plane crash in 1995). The family lived in Maine while the children were growing up. Lowry received her degree from the University of Southern Maine, went to graduate school, and began writing professionally. After her divorce in 1977, she returned to Cambridge, Massachusetts where she still lives; she also spends time at her home in Maine. Books and Accomplishment Lois Lowrys first book, A Summer to Die, which was published by Houghton Mifflin in 1977, was awarded the International Reading Association’s Children’s Book Award. According to Lois Lowry, after hearing from young readers about the book, I began to feel, and I think this is true, that that audience that youre writing for, when you write for kids, you are writing for people who can still be affected by what you write in ways that might change them. Lois Lowry has written more than thirty books for young people, from 2 year-olds to teens, and has received numerous honors. Lowry received the prestigious John Newbery Medal for two of her books: Number the Stars and The Giver. Other honors include the Boston Globe-Horn Book Award and the Dorothy Canfield Fisher Award. Some of Lowrys books, like the Anastasia Krupnik and Sam Krupnik series, provide a humorous look at daily life and are geared for readers in grades 4-6 (8 to 12-year-olds). Others, while targeting the same age level, are more serious, such as Number the Stars, a story about the Holocaust. One of her series, which she is planning to expand, the Gooney Bird Greene series, targets even younger children, those in grades 3-5 (7 to 10-year-olds). Many of Lois Lowrys most serious, and highly-regarded, books are considered young adult books. They are written for children in grades 7 and up (12-years-old and up). They include A Summer to Die, and The Giver fantasy trilogy, which became a quartet in fall 2012 with the publication of Lowrys Son. In discussing her books, Lois Lowry explained, My books have varied in content and style. Yet it seems that all of them deal, essentially, with the same general theme: the importance of human connections. A Summer to Die, my first book, was a highly fictionalized retelling of the early death of my sister, and of the effect of such a loss on a family. Number the Stars, set in a different culture and era, tells the same story: that of the role that we humans play in the lives of our fellow beings. Censorship and The Giver The Giver is 23rd on the American Library Associations list of the Top 100 Banned/Challenged Books: 2000-2009. To learn more, see In Their Own Words: Authors Talk About Censorship, in which Lowry discusses reactions to The Giver and states, Submitting to censorship is to enter the seductive world of The Giver: the world where there are no bad words and no bad deeds. But it is also the world where choice has been taken away and reality distorted. And that is the most dangerous world of all. Website and Social Media Presence Lois Lowrys official website has been redesigned and the new, improved website debuted in September 2011. It is divided into five main sections: New Stuff, Blog, About, Collections and Videos. Lois Lowry also provides her email address and a schedule of appearances. The New Stuff area contains information about new books. Lowry uses her blog to describe her daily life and share interesting stories. Both adults and young fans will enjoy her blog. The About area of the site contains three sections: Biography, Awards, and F.A.Q. The Biography section consists of a first-person account of Lois Lowrys life, written for her readers. It contains lots of links to family photos, many of which are from Lois childhood. There are also photos of Lois as a bride and photos of her children and grandchildren. The Awards section provides a good bit of information about the John Newbery Medal (Lowry has two) and a long list of all of the other awards she has received. In the entertaining F.A.Q. section, she answers specific, and sometimes amusing, questions that readers have asked her. According to Lowry, the most frequently asked question is, How do you get your ideas? There are also such serious questions as A parent from my school wants to ban The Giver. What do you think about that? The Collections area includes Books Speeches and Pictures. In the Books section, there is information on all of the books in her Anastasia Krupnik series, Sam Krupnik series, her books about the Tates, The Giver trilogy, and her Gooney Bird books, as well as her other books, including her first Newbery Medal winner, Number the Stars. The Speeches section of the Collections area, the only area specifically directed to adults, includes more than a half-dozen speeches, each available in PDF format. My favorite is her 1994 Newbery Medal acceptance speech because of all of the information she gives about how specific life experiences influenced her writing of The Giver. The Pictures section includes photos of Lois Lowrys home, her family, her travels and her friends. Sources: Lois Lowrys website, Lois Lowrys Reading Rockets interview, American Library Association, Random House
Monday, November 4, 2019
Research Project Information Security Management Paper
Project Information Security Management - Research Paper Example Basically, it is a small firm that produces products related to air conditioning, heating and refrigeration and is located in Sharpsburg, Pa. However, the details closed in an email were accessed and stolen as a result of this attack. In this scenario, attackers used malicious software to attack Fazio and this attack started almost two months prior to the attack that was launched against Target Corp. In fact, the attackers made use of these stolen information to steal card data from more than one thousand cash register. The investigation shows that the attackers made use of Citadel tool that is particularly used as a password-stealing bot application. In addition, this application is derived from ZeuS that is a well-known banking Trojan (KrebsonSecurity). In addition, the investigation showed that when the attackers entered into their network, the Target’s security team was able to determine only some of their actions. However, the security team carefully evaluated their actions and responded accordingly. Addition, in the light of their evaluations they identified that the action did not deserve instant follow up. In result of this attack, Target’s shares started to fall quickly. In fact, the attackers were able to steal more than 40 million credit card details as well as more than 70 million other personal details of their customers such as telephone numbers, home address and email addresses. As a result of this attack, Target had to face many possible class-action proceedings as well as serious warnings from a number of banks those are looking for compensation for millions of dollars that they lost because of this attack and the fee of card alternates. Though, Target uses a very useful tool known as FireEye that repea tedly removes malicious code or software, however the Target’s security team had turned it off before this attack (KrebsonSecurity). Up till now, more than 90 charges have been registered in
Saturday, November 2, 2019
Industry Analysis Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4500 words
Industry Analysis - Research Paper Example This would also help in understanding the position of Macy’s Inc in the industry and the threat it possess on grounds of the five forces in the Porter’s Five forces analysis model. Finally the study would be concluding with an insight into the sum-up of the entire study followed by recommendations for further improvement. Company Analysis Macy’s Inc. is one of the American multinational holding companies which is headquartered in Cincinnati, Ohio. The company is the owner of all the departmental stores of Rich’s and Macy’s Bloomingdale’s that specializes in sale of footwear, clothing, furniture, bedding, accessories, beauty products, jewelry and house ware. The organization operates almost 850 stores in the entire United States. It is renowned for possessing the most prominent flagship stores in the country specifically Macy’s in New York, Los Angeles and San Francisco. The organization is the biggest fashion good retaining company in the world and 36th biggest retailer from overall perspectives on the basis of the sales revenue amount of $ 25 billion in the Company’s annual report of 2010. ... nancial analysis is defined as the procedure for evaluating relationship in between different components within the financial statement fir having a clear understanding of the position and performance of an organization. The financial analysis of Macy’s Inc would help the management in taking a concrete decision and avoid the chances of flaws. For avoiding any faulty decision, it is very important to analyze and interpret the results in a systematic manner. A comparative analysis of the performance of the organization with its competitors would also be performed in order to understand its position within the industry (Sinha, 2009). The competitors of the company include Dillard’s Inc and SAKS Inc (Hoovers, 2013). The next portion of the project would be displaying the income statement of Macy’s Inc. Year 2009-01 2010-01 2011-01 2012-01 2013-01 Revenue 24892 23489 25003 26405 27686 Cost of revenue 15009 13973 14824 15738 16538 Gross profit 9883 9516 10179 10667 11 148 Operating expenses      Sales, General and administrative 8481 8062 8260 8281 8482 Other operating expenses 5780 391 25 -25 5 Total operating expenses 14261 8453 8285 8256 8487 Operating income -4378 1063 1894 2411 2661 Interest Expense 588 562 579 447 437 Other income (expense) 28 6 5 4 -122 Income before income taxes -4938 507 1320 1968 2102 Provision for income taxes -135 157 473 712 767 Net income from continuing operations -4803 350 847 1256 1335 Net income -4803 350 847 1256 1335 (Source: Morning Star, 2013a) In the year 2009, the company was incurring losses. The aforementioned table shows that the company has started making profit from the next year i.e. 2010. The company has made impressive performance in terms of generating net earnings. The net earnings figure has increased yearly
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