Thursday, October 31, 2019
Marketing channel article Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Marketing channel article - Essay Example Amazon attributes the low sales and profits to market forces of demand and supply, and increased expenditures on operating and investing activities hence resulting to Amazon’s share price falling. Meanwhile, the company expects to exploit the fourth quarter, which is associated with the influx in customers who buy holiday gifts. To manage the expected rise in sales and further fuel growth, Amazon has laid down several strategies. It plans to acquire video game service Twitch interactive Inc. in order to increase its entertainment services. In the previous month, the company launched New Kindle tablets models in a wider scheme to lure more media customers. The company also plans to open pop-up stores in Sacramento and San Francisco to facilitate marketing of its electronics. Further, the company launched its Fire Smartphone in the current summer. Due to competition from Samsung’s galaxy devices and Apple Inc.’s, iPhone the Amazon was forced to reduce the price of the Fire smartphone weeks after the device began selling. Last month, the company obtained a $2 billion credit from the Bank of America to boost its continued investments in areas such as same-day grocer y delivery, which are anticipated to generate profits more for Amazon in the long-run. The company has been in disputes with some book publishers regarding the pricing of digital books. In the current week, Amazon entered into a deal with Simon &Shuster publishers, which the company claims will improve affordability of the books for readers while sharing the gains among the online retailers, authors and publishers. Two marketing channel concepts are seen in the article. The concepts are direct selling and selling through intermediaries. Direct selling entails selling products directly to the consumer; there are no intermediaries. Amazon deals with electronics such as the newly launched Kindle tablets and Fire
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
A Multimedia Thesis Project Essay Example for Free
A Multimedia Thesis Project Essay During the 16th-17th century, when the Philippines was still under the control of Spain, the Jesuit Historian, Father Pedro Chirino, wrote in 1604 about the baptism of two deaf Filipino in Dulac, Leyte by Father Francisco De Otaco. Father Ramon De Prado, the vice-provincial priest taught these two deaf Filipinos and they were the first deaf Filipino who learned to use the Filipino Sign Language. The older Deaf, Raymundo shared his knowledge to five to ten deaf men during a mission. 300 years later, the first influence of American Sign Language came here in the Philippines thru Delight Rice, the hearing American teacher who established the School for the Deaf in 1907 in Manila (PDRC and PFD. 2004.) The school still exists today as the Philippines School for the Deaf (PSD) (HV 2474 F55 2005 Pt.1 from DLS-CSB). Filipino Sign Language is certainly natural and a unique visual language of the Deaf Filipinos. The grammar, structure and syntax or arrangements of the Filipino Sign Language (FSL) are equal or the same as in the spoken language. FSL has its Filipino Deaf culture and identity. However, Filipino Sign Language is not a written system. (Philippine Deaf Resource Center, Inc., Macky Calbay and Raphael Domingo) Sign languages communicate ideas through hands like spoken languages. However, sign languages do not need sounds and voice. It needs hands, face and other parts of the body to communicate in visual ways. The visual signs, helps the deaf to understand the message it conveys through the eyes. Signs must be clear in order to be understood in the eyes of the deaf, which the brain process, interprets and meanings comprehended. The basic parts of signs are hand shapes, location, movement, palm orientation and non-manual signals. Many people think of sign languages as a language of the hands but the research in linguistics revealed that sign language includes not only one or both hands, but also the different parts of the trunk, arms, neck, head and face. Hand shape, movement and number of hands used may be grouped together. A sign language follows many groups of rules. The parts of signs and their meanings, whole, signs, and the grammar of sentences are separate rules. Several words are put together to form a sentence, and the exchange of these sentence forms a dialogue. Examples of dialogue are conversations, stories, humor and poetry. When a sign is produced by itself, it may look different from when it is actually used in a conference. The important part of the sign language is the connection between two or more conversing people. Social factors are important in studying signs during the conference. It is because the sign language is not only for relaying messages but also for social interaction. The sign used for a word is influenced by one’s emotions. For example, the word â€Å"sorry†is signed in just one way, but when added with emotions, it could have different meanings. The signs are shown to the complexity of their grammatical function. In spoken languages, words act certainly according to their grammatical class. In sign languages, signs may function differently depending on the sentence structure, and context of the conference. So, it is common for a single sign to shift functions as a noun, verb, or adjective in different sentences, conversations or contexts. Since sign languages are not written systems, the use of words came from a written language and the grammatical function of the sign must carefully avoid being perplexed. For example, a word for a sign that can be a noun in English, but the sign itself can function as a noun or adjective. In Grammar classes, there are the same kinds of grammatical groups are getting into sign language. In ASL, there are different classes of verbs that have been described. The verbs may include different kinds of information such as: where the action takes place, or who does the action (subject) and who receives the action (object). It can be same to some sign couples in FSL. Examples of these noun-verb/adjective couples in FSL are LOW-BATTERY, BATTERY-FULL. Sign languages are different from spoken languages or written. A sign may be used as a noun, adjective or verb that depends on the sentence. Sometimes, a single sign can already be similar a share of a sentence or even a whole sentence. For example, the single sign â€Å"observe†may already mean, I observe her carefully. There are classifiers in the traditional signs appearing in FSL. These can be easy classifier hand shapes to understand classifier predicates. The classifiers observed in FSL also have classifier hand shapes and movement roots like those described in ASL and BSL. An example is the sign LRT/MRT. The classifier hand shape is the whole object type the hand shape looks like the rail transit car. The movement of the classifier is a process movement root. The LRT/MRT moves forward. The straightforward movement of the hand represents the forward action of the LRT/MRT. In Nouns, the signs included in a group have always been noted in a dialogue as nouns. The traditional signs included food, events, places, persons and various objects. It included also common and proper nouns. For example, MANGO, ELECTRIC FAN, JOLLIBEE, HAPPY etc In Nouns/Verbs, the signs may switch in grammatical class that depends on the dialogue structure. The signs however, show to only have a single form unconcerned of their grammatical function. Most of them cannot be able to show always the movement repetitions strongly characteristic of noun-verbs pairs in American Sign Language. For example, AGREE, AGREEMENT, CONCLUSION/CONCLUDE etc In Nouns/Adjectives, the signs are noted to have nominal or adjectival functions. For example, BETTER, FAST, HOT, HAPPINESS, EXHAUSTED etc In Verbs/Adjectives, the signs are noted to be used as adjectival predicates. For example, CORRUPT/TO BE CORRUPT, PASSIVE/TO BE PASSIVE, SUFFER/BE IN SUFFERING etc In Lexicalized Finger spelled signs, the signs are aged which are more commonly noted among Deaf signers in their forties to sixties. Examples of Lexicalized Finger spelled signs are #AIRCORN, #TV etc In Lexicalized Initialized signs, the signs are from variant grammatical classes and used two or three decades. For example, ANYBODY, 13 PESO, GRADE VII etc In Structurally complex signs, the signs placed together since features of their structure are not as straightforward as the other signs shown so far. Signs included compound signs and agreement verbs. For example, HOW MUCH, DONT KNOW, HARDHEAD etc In Semantically complex signs, the signs groups included idioms, belonging to variants of ASL, possessive pronouns, negations, various phrases, and classifier predicates (signers perspective). For example, DESTROY FOOD, PLEASE, RUDE etc (IDIOM) FSL signs showed to be adverbs. The non-manual signal noted in FSL signs that moves of the tongue. The tongue of non-manual signs is same but their meaning is mixed-up, not clear or hard to understand. For example TEXT-GARBLED describes a text message that is hard to understand. In FSL, the pointing pronouns are noted in commonly using among Deaf Filipino signers which usually include the index finger. The signs use an open hand. They show ownership or possessions. The question is always used by FSL sign. The eye gaze is forward the person who asked the question. The first location of the hand is near the object being talked about. The last location of the hand, and its palm, faces the person being asked. One example of pronouns is the TOUCH-MINE. In space as time, the place where the signer stands represents the time now. The space in front of the signer shows the future and the space behind the signer shows the past. Signs related to time such as LATELY, NEXT DAY, LAST WEEK AGO, NOW are produced at different points of this timeline. One example of time is the TOMORROW-TOMORROW, LAST-TWO-YEARS etc In idioms, there are several signs that are called Deaf idioms in the book Love Signs. But, the need is more researching if the signs are all true idioms. It uses expressions unique to Deaf Filipino signers. For example, the sign ISTAMBAY of the literal meaning is a person who stands around for a long time. The figurative meaning can be a verb or adjective, describing a jobless person. A sentence is a group of words that completes ideas and can be followed by a period, question mark or exclamation point. There are two most important of English grammar; knowledge of writing and allows students to study the grammar of other languages completely. There are the most important elements of the sentence, the verb, subject, direct object, indirect object, complement, multiple-word modifiers, modifiers, clauses and phrases. Sometimes, many sentences have only a verb and a subject. It also includes the parts of speech; noun and articles, verbs and verbals, pronouns, adjectives, adverbs and prepositions and conjunctions. A subject is the name of a person, animal, place, thing and event that the sentence about. For example, â€Å"The house is a big†. The house is the subject of the verb big, answering the question who or what big? Another example, â€Å"The tiger eats the animal†. The tiger is the subject of the verb eats, answering the question who or what eats the animal; he tiger eats the animal. A verb is a word that describes an action. For example, â€Å"The goat eats grass†. The verb eats describes the action performed by the subject goat. Another example, â€Å"Deaf people walk on the street†. The verb walk describes the action performed by the subject Deaf people. A direct object is the noun that receives the action. For example, â€Å"Everyone ruins your precious things†. What is the action? ruins. What receives the action? precious things, it is the direct object of the verb ruins. Another example, â€Å"Your friend got your ballpen†. What receives the action? ballpen. Ballpen is the direct object of the verb got. An indirect object is the noun or pronoun that receives the direct object. For example, â€Å"The professor helps his student’s education†. The direct object of helps is education. His student is the indirect object. Another example, â€Å"I give the laptop to you†. The direct object of give is laptop. You is the indirect object. Complement is the word or words that complete the meaning of verbs that express feeling, appearing, being, or seeming. Such verbs are classified as copulative or linking verbs. For example, â€Å"I am feeling sick†. The verb feeling does not describe action, but does describe a state of being. Feeling links the subject I with sick is the complement of feeling. Another example, â€Å"His family seems worried of you†. The copulative verb seems links his family and worried, the complement of seems. Modifiers may be a single word or groups of words, make the identity that describes a verb, subject, direct object, indirect object, complements or other modifier. For example, â€Å"My brother eats quickly his dinner†. The verb eats is made more precise is modified by quickly his dinner. Another example, â€Å"They lost my new laptop†. The direct object laptop is modified by my new. Multiple-word modifiers are included of phrases or clauses. A phrase is a logical grouping of words that does not contain a subject verb, while a clause is a logical grouping of words that does contain a subject and verb. For example, â€Å"My sister who was the only who love me goes to my graduation†. In this sentence, the clause who was the only who love me modifies my sister; the phrases to my graduation modifies goes. The first multiple word modifiers have both subject who and verb love. For this reason, the modifier is a clause. To my graduation has neither subject nor verb, so it is a phrase. A clause is a group of related words that includes a subject and a verb. It may also include an object or complement, an indirect object and modifiers. If it makes a complete idea and can stand alone as a sentence, it is called an independent clause. On the other hand, if it cannot stand alone as a sentence, it is called a subordinate or dependent clause. For example, â€Å"My family and I eat our lunch together and then we go to the mall†. This sentence consists of two independent clauses. Each clause has its own subject and verb: My family and I eat, we go. Either clause can stand as a complete sentence. Each makes a statement that does not depend on the other. The conjunction here is and, which is classified as a coordinating conjunction. Other coordinating conjunctions are but, for, so, or, nor and yet. A phrase is a group of two or more words that does not include a subject and a verb. It has many forms and functions. It is useful to learn and recognize phrases and to identify their functions as modifiers, subjects, complements and objects. For example, â€Å"His hobby was playing basketball†. The phrase playing basketball functions as the complement of was, a copulative verb. Playing is also a gerund. Another example, â€Å"My classmates want to finish their project early†. The phrase to finish their project early is the object of want. Notice that to finish is an infinitive, which is one of the three types of verbals. In Grammar classes, there are classifiers in a spoken language as nouns, verbs, adjectives or adverbs. It includes pronouns and prepositions that have a more limited meaning. They can display relationships between nouns, verbs, adjectives and adverbs. In spoken languages, a word cannot be able to change its meaning. For example, if a word is a noun, it is always used as a noun. It does not develop into a verb, adjective, or adverb. In a spoken language, an idiom is a group of words with a unique meaning. It has two meanings, its literal and figurative meanings. The literal meaning is the independent meaning of the words, put together as a group, while the figurative meaning is the new meaning of the whole group of words. The new figurative meaning may not be related at all to the literal meaning of the words. Problem The Deaf students of the School of Deaf Education in Applied and Studies, De La Salle-College of Saint Benilde has a problem on English grammar because they do not know how to use the structure of the English language. They also believe that the sign languages structure is the same or similar to the written English. As a result, it is hard for them to communicate with the hearing people through writing. Solution Through the creation of websites that utilizes flash player to describe the structures of FSL and Written English which can be arranged in such a way that the visual animation highlights the difference between the FSL and the written English structures. This way, it will be more meaningful and can be easily understood, remembered and applied by the deaf and as well as the hearing students in communicating with each other. Furthermore, the students can understand the differences in using FSL structure and English written rules. Description of the Project Objectives †¢ To encourage the deaf students to understand the structural difference between the Filipino Sign Language (FSL) and the written English. †¢ To help Deaf students know how to translate FSL to written English by conceptualization, and Hearing students to translate written English to FSL by conceptualization. †¢ To promote and encourage the hearing people to understand the structures of sign language (FSL) and use it to communicate with the deaf. †¢ To assist the Deaf people how to communicate with the hearing people through written English. †¢ To create the flash website visually that can help hearing and deaf people to understand easily the structures of FSL and Written English. Target Audience †¢ Deaf and hearing people †¢ College students Medium Websites that uses flash player. Adobe Photoshop is a graphic editing program that makes easily website which it can support website. ( (I CAN’T UNDERSTAND THIS KUYA!!!!) Video or Adobe Premiere is a technology of recording that supports website to make deaf and hearing people easily understandable. Pre-Production Process Project Step 1: Brainstorming to choose good topics related to Deaf issues Step 2: Choose three best topics pertaining to Deaf issues Step 3: Submit to my instructor the topics pertaining to Deaf issues Step 4: Consultation with my instructor to explain to me how to write the document Step 4: Share the topics to my classmates to help me select the best topic Step 5: Consultation with my Coordinator for editing my topic Step 6: Ask my English and FSL coordinators their opinion and to suggest what is the best topic to be written Step 7: Approval of the chosen topic by my CG coordinator Step 8: Research on the books related to my selected topic Step 9: Consult with my English and FSL coordinator Step 10: Writing paper (context) Step 11: Review and edit the paper Step 12: Draft sample design that is related to my topic Step 13: Print the paper Step 14: Final presentation Conclusion Therefore, this paper can be the seed to help both the deaf and hearing people understand the difference in structures of FSL and written English in an easy manner. For Deaf people, this paper will help them how to translate FSL to written English. Likewise, it will help the hearing people on translating written English to FSL. Furthermore, it will also help the hearing and deaf people to communicate with each other easily. The creation of websites utilizing flash player as visual aids highlighting the difference between the FSL and the written English structures will assist both the deaf and hearing people in communicating among themselves and with each other. It will also enhance the communication skills of the individuals; provide greater opportunities in understanding the world of the silent people, knowledge, cooperation and collaboration for the greater and common good of the society. References Tiongson, Peripi A., Hermosisima, Jun, Domingo, Raphael and Bustos, Marie Therese A. (ED.) (2004). AN INTRODUCTION TO FILIPINO SIGN LANGUAGE: Part l. Understanding Structure | Easy to read version |. [pp. 1-160] Filipino: Philippine Deaf Resource Center, Inc. TRADITIONAL SIGNS. (2004), AN INTRODUCTION TO FILIPINO SIGN LANGUAGE: Part ll: Traditional and Emerging Signs [pp.1-154] Philippines: Philippine Deaf Resource Center, Inc. Estiller-Corpuz, Marites Racquel [ED.]. Filipino Sign Language; A complication of signs from regions of the Philippines, Filipino: Philippine Federation of the Deaf. Ehrlich, Eugene (2000, 1991, 1976). SCHAUMS OUTLINES: English Grammar, American: McGraw-Hill companies, Inc. Annex Initial design (Website) Gantt Chart Daily TR
Sunday, October 27, 2019
Strategic Development Study of Caterpillar Inc
Strategic Development Study of Caterpillar Inc INTRODUCTION This report presents the Strategic Development Study of Caterpillar Inc. Caterpillar Inc. founded on 15th April, 1925 in California, United Stated. Caterpillar is involved in designing, manufacturing, marketing and selling heavy equipments, machinery and engines and it is also involved in selling financial services to the customers all over the world. Caterpillar is the worlds largest manufacturer of manufacturer of construction and mining equipment, diesel and natural gas engines and industrial gas turbines. The organization is serving worldwide and is providing employment to around 104,490 employees. Its products includes Bulldozer, Excavator, Wheel Loader, Haul Truck, Diesel Engine etc. and its services includes Financing, Insurance, Maintenance and Training. The developmental strategies used in the past, present strategies and the strategic planning for the future development of the Caterpillar, are discussed further in this report. Strategic Planning is about the finding the best solution for future problems to be faced by the organizations that not only solves the problems but should also proves to be beneficial to the organization. Caterpillar value statement is We have the people, processes, tools and investments to deliver the quality, reliability and durability customers expect from Caterpillar in each new product introduction. This strategic planning report focuses on three major tasks: Describe the strategies deployed by the organization in the past and their resulting outcomes i.e. the strategic development history of the company. Undertake the evaluation and appraisal of the companys current strategic situation with reference to the companys strategic macro industry and competitive environment and companys endowment of its resources and capabilities. Explore, evaluate and access the strategic choices available and recommend the best strategic plan available for the organization. STRATEGIC DEVELOPMENT HISTORY OF CATERPILLAR It has been more than 85 years that Caterpillar is serving its customers and hence ranked worlds number one in its own industry. The company has been developing every year and has maintained its position into the market. In 1980s, Caterpillar came very close to bankruptcy but still it manages to come back as a high tech globally competitive growth company. The company has now proved itself as the worlds largest manufacturer of construction and mining equipment, diesel and natural gas engines and industrial gas turbines. Companys Establishment In April 1925, the financially strong C. L. Best merged with the market leader Holt Caterpillar to form Caterpillar Tractor Co. Caterpillar is involved in manufacturing of heavy equipments used in construction and mining that are recognizable with CAT logo. Because of the intensive competition over the market share, in 1963, Caterpillar forms the joint venture with Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Ltd. which is ranked 2nd in Japan for manufacturing construction and mining equipments. Caterpillar agreement with Shanghai Diesel in China was helpful in improving the market share of Caterpillar as it was a technology sharing alliance. Come back of Caterpillar from Recession In the year 1981, Caterpillar faced huge economy downtown and was very close to bankruptcy. For 3 consecutive years, the recession costs around $1 million a day to the company which further forces the company to reduce the employment. There were three reasons for this crisis i.e. global recession, strikes and unfavorable currency exchange rates. Company faced many competitors that time including Komatsu Ltd. as the prime competitor. To overcome this recession, the company CEOs introduced various strategic measures like cutting costs, employee reduction, out sourcing of machinery, parts and their components, introduction of modernization, diversification of product line and reorganization of companys structure. These measures were very important that time to save the organization to become bankrupt. Later on the organization worked really well and managed to generate the highest revenues. George Schaefers encouraged the executives to respond to recession. Caterpillar outsources 80% of its parts and components and further they used their brand names for selling the outsourced products keeping the quality control of the products. They doubled their product line in just 4 years from 150 to 300 equipments with an introduction of small and light weighted products along with the customer diversification as well. Caterpillar also focused on repairing its relationship with the labour as they experienced many strikes because of the cost cutting the company successfully achieved the target of an healthy employee and employer relationship. Also employee involvement program was launched by Schaefer in 1986 that involves employee satisfaction, quality improvement and increasing efficiency level. This program was termed as Employee satisfaction Progress i.e. EPS. EPS helps in reducing the rate of absenteeism, decline in labour grievances, saving in costs of upto $10 million and increases employees loyalty. Plant with the future (PWTF) is launched a s a modernization program. Shift from batch production to flexible work cells proved to be good for the organization. The technological improvements and PWTF program resulted in high quality of products, increased efficiency level and high productivity. As a result of all these efforts put by the organization, the Caterpillars 30 worldwide plants managed to cut the inventory level by 50% and manufacturing space by 21% in just 3 years. Also Caterpillars world market share goes up to 50% and its revenues increased by 66% from the year 1985 to 1990. Caterpillar beat the Komatsu by having total sales of over $11 billion in the year 1989, which were nearly twice the sales of Komatsu. The company takes the advantage of the growth in global demand for heavy construction industry at a steady rate of 4.5% in the 1990s and was successful in making its way towards the top most position. Schaefer proves to be the best manager of any manufacturing company of heavy construction equipments. After five year tenure of Schaefer as CEO, Donald Fites becomes the next CEO of Caterpillar Inc. Donald brought leadership style to the organization. He further focuses on reorganization plan that involves the customer needs on priority basis. Research and Development In 1904, Benjamin Holt solved the problem of driving tractors smoothly in moist soil faced by farmers in California by manufacturing a tractor with gasoline engine instead of steam engines that are much lighter in weight and that tractor was nicknamed as Caterpillar. By 1915, the Holt tractors were sold in around 20 countries. Further they formed a company named Caterpillar by merging with best company in tractors. Caterpillar was the first company that introduces diesel engines on a moving vehicle. In 1931, the company created separate engine sales group for the marketing of diesel engines to other equipment manufacturers and they further replaced it with sales and marketing division for serving better range of customers. The company was highly involved in manufacturing replacement parts as well because it generates over a quarter of the total revenue because of two main reasons i.e. sale of replacement parts is more profitable than the whole machines and the replacement parts marke t was less cyclical than that of original equipment. After World War 2, the demand for Caterpillar products increased to reconstruct the disaster happened in Europe because of the 2nd world war. Finally in 1960s, Caterpillar becomes the leader of the heavy construction equipment industry. Further in 1965, Caterpillar expanded its operations to Britain, Canada, France, Brazil, Australia, India and Japan. In 1983, the company starts providing financial services as well. There has been huge diversification in the product line to overcome the recession in the year 1985 to more than 300 products. As the company was developing and diversifying in its operations, it changes its name to Caterpillar Inc. In 2001, Caterpillar was the first company that launches 6 Sigma that helps the organization in improving its quality to the best level. Caterpillar starts sustainable development in the year 2005 as it responded to the Asian tsunami disaster and earthquakes in South Asia. CURRENT STRATEGIES OF CATERPILLAR Caterpillar Inc. is the worlds number one manufacturer of construction and mining equipments, diesel and gas engines and natural gas turbines. The organization is developing day by day and continuously expanding their business. Its market is not only limited to Europe but Caterpillar is selling its products all over the world like China, India, America, Russia etc. Caterpillar serves its customers with the highest quality product at a very reasonable price and also involved in good customer relations. Caterpillar is manufacturing its products at 110 plants worldwide and is selling its products in nearly 200 countries. Caterpillar made its sales through independent dealers that contribute around 66% of the total sales. Caterpillar uses many business strategies for its development and to compete effectively with its competitors. For the evaluation and appraisal of companys current strategies, various strategic tools are used like PESTEL Analysis for analyzing the macro environment, SWOT Analysis for analyzing the capabilities efficiency of resources as well and Porters Five Force Analysis is used to analyze the market, customers, competitors, suppliers etc. PESTEL Analysis For evaluating and analyzing the macro environment of the organization, the PESTEL Analysis tool is used. There are various macro environmental factors that affect the workings of an organization like Political factors, Economical factors, Social factors, Technological factors, Environmental factors and Legal factors. Let us now discuss in detail that how these factors affect the working of Caterpillar Inc. Political Factors Political factors are one of the main factors that affect the operations of the organization. Every country has its own governments with different laws and legislations, rules and regulations, import and export policies etc. As Caterpillar is operating and serving the customers worldwide, it should be aware of the political factors. Economical Factors The economic factors includes the recession, inflation, growth in GDP, growth in population etc. In 1980s, the recession hits Caterpillar badly as it was very close to bankruptcy but somehow it manages to overcome that economic downtown. The rise in the prices of raw material, diesel, petrol, import and export costs etc. is big problems for the organizations. A rise in raw material prices increases the manufacturing costs in Caterpillar and to maintain a balance, the organization has to increase its prices. Social Factors Caterpillar is operating in many diversified countries. Hence it becomes essential to consider the social factors while framing the business strategies. Each and every country has different societies with different values, culture, religions, attitudes etc. the company has to maintain a balance to avoid any kind of discrimination into the organization. Technological Factors A manufacturing organization like Caterpillar needs ongoing technological advancements. It should be updated with all the latest technologies to compete in a better way and maintain its position into the market. Caterpillar is always using the best technologies for manufacturing its construction equipments. Moreover it has invented many new products with the best quality and price range among the whole market. Environmental factors The Caterpillar has moved towards the sustainable development i.e. they are focusing on new technologies and innovations to increase the efficiency and productivity of the organization by not impacting the environment and also providing guidelines to the customers for doing the same. Their mission is to enable economic growth through infrastructure and energy development, and to provide solutions that protect people and preserve the planet. Legal Factors The various laws and legislations of the country in which the company is operating cannot be ignored. The laws related to import and export, employment laws, labour laws, should be taken care of. A lawful and legal organization can effectively survives in long run. SWOT Analysis The SWOT Analysis shows the Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats available with the organization and provides an opportunity to the organization to use its Strengths and Opportunities for the betterment of the organization and keep the organization safe from its weaknesses and outside threats. Let us discuss the SWOT Analysis of Caterpillar. Strengths The main strength of Caterpillar is that it is a global leader in its own industry as it is worlds largest manufacturer the construction and mining equipment, diesel and gas engines and natural gas turbines. It is ranked as number 44 among all the organization in 2009 by Fortune 500. It has the highest revenue generation and highest share value in the market as well. It has a strong financial condition as it can grab the worldwide opportunities available. Caterpillar has 110 plants worldwide and is serving around 200 countries which show its huge customer diversification. It has a strong dealers worldwide network which contains over 200 full line dealers that helps the organization in capturing about 60% of the market. Weaknesses In recent years the company has faced many downtowns. The sales volume of the company is decreasing since 2003 which results in less revenue. Also the long term debts of the company have been increasing. The company does most of its sales through its independent dealers. Dealers show a very less confidence towards the Caterpillars new forecasting system. Opportunities Caterpillar has good opportunities of growth in developing countries like India and China. These countries demand lot of construction equipments and engines as well. Again the growth in the population demands more construction. Entering into joint ventures and acquisitions provides good opportunities for the companys development. In 2004, the company formed Caterpillar Power Generation Systems in association with Solar Turbines Incorporates to market the products of both the companies which further reduces the manufacturing costs of the firm and makes the organization more competitive. Threats The outside threats cannot be ignored as they affect the organization adversely. The recent threats faced by Caterpillar include the rise in the prices of raw material especially metal prices. This increases the manufacturing cost and further decrease the organizations profits. The demand of the mining equipments depends on the population growth and Gross Domestic Product growth which is very uncertain. The deal between Caterpillar and United Auto Workers finishes in 2004 which enable strikes and disruptions in work. Hence such contract expuration are great threat to the organizations. Porters Five Forces Porters Five Forces is a business strategy that is formed by Michael E. Porter. He points out the five forces available in the macro environment that affects the abilities and capabilities of an organization. These five forces are threat of new entrants, intensity of competitive rivalry, threat of substitutes, bargaining power of customers and finally bargaining power of suppliers. This helps an organization to be aware of the outside environment and make their business strategies accordingly. The further discussion on Caterpillars Porters Five Forces is as follows: Threat of New Entrants The threat of the new entrants in very low for Caterpillar. Caterpillar is into manufacturing the construction equipments which requires a huge capital and resources. It is difficult for any new entrant to invest that much into this industry when it knows that there are already highly competitive firms available. Caterpillar should compete continuously with its competitors to maintain its position into the market. Intensity of Competitive Rivalry Caterpillar faces a high competition into the market and the other competitors can overcome Caterpillar anytime if they lose focus or using bad business strategy. Caterpillar has around 50 competitors worldwide that controls around 80% of the market. Threat of Substitutes There is nearly no threat of substitutes for Caterpillar as it is involved into the manufacturing of such unique construction and mining equipments. Bargaining Power of Customers The customers have a moderate bargaining power as most of the sales are done through independent dealers and pricing is done according to the markets. Bargaining Power of Suppliers Again the suppliers also have a moderate bargaining power. For manufacturing construction equipments, there is a need of steel or other heavy raw materials which are difficult to transport and also costs very high. Hence an increase in the prices of raw material is a big issue for the organization. FUTURE STRATEGIC PLANNING OF CATERPILLAR Caterpillar has set various targets for future and is seriously involved into the achievement of those targets. The organization has set its strategy as Vision 2020. This strategy sets the stage for the next phase of the companys leadership and growth in the global industries it serves. The visions and missions set by Caterpillar are very practical and will provide further development to the organization. In the past 80 years, Caterpillar has proved itself to be a well established business with effective management and business strategies that helps the organization to maintain its profits and position into the market even at the time of recession. The organization knows the ways of beating the recession and wins back its position into the market. Caterpillars future strategic visions are like becoming a recognized leader in its own industry everywhere, the products, services and solutions provided will helps the customers to succeed, making use of the organizations distributions system as their competitive advantage, maintaining good labour relations and acquiring highly talented people. The organization has set various targets for its next five years i.e. providing the best return to its shareholders, hiring and maintaining the best talented people into the organization and becoming a global leader everywhere they do business. These targets are already achieved by Caterpillar to great extent. The 100% achievement of these targets needs more efforts. Caterpillar is now focusing towards more sustainable development i.e. making the efficient and effective use of the resources available without impacting the environment and also works for the society as a whole. Caterpillar has named as one of the top 10 industrial supply chains in 2010 on Gartners Inc. top 10 list. Also the Caterpillars Chairman and CEO, Doug Oberhelman named into the top 50 people in business according to Fortunes 2010. Hence Caterpillar is actively involved in the development of its business and competing at its best into the environment. Future Recommendations Caterpillar should be opening new markets all over the world as an expansion of its business mostly into the developing countries as around 80% of the population lives there and they demand for such construction equipments on high basis. Also the diversification into the product line and customers is important for further growth. Lack of diversification reduces the sale which has already suffered by the organization. The diversification of the products done by the organization in the past proved to be very profitable. Marketing has become an essential part of any organization. Successful marketing plays an important role in gaining competitive advantage. A wide spread distribution service network is important is essential in competing with heavy construction equipment industry. Joint ventures are important to expand the new markets and diversify into new products. This is important for the growth and development of the organization and to cover a large number of customers. Recently the global economy downturn decreases 25% of the Caterpillar sales. The ability to rebound the economy plays a significant role in the profitability maintenance of the organization. The other critical issues for the organization like changes in the prices of raw material, changes in the government monetary and fiscal policies, the credit risk involves into the financial services provided by Caterpillar etc. should be given special attention as their affect on the organization can proven to be the worst. Continuous growth and development initiatives are important for the maintenance of the topmost position into the market. Like entering into the new markets, diversification of products and services, customer diversification, sustainable development, new distribution channels etc. The full usage of its Strengths like companys strong reputation, dominating among the industry, good financial condition for upto date technology and beating any competition and diversified business competencies, will provide a competitive advantage to the organization.
Friday, October 25, 2019
Essay --
Madison Lamb Louise Pompa English 11A 06 February 2014 Marriage Equality â€Å"Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness†is one thing that homosexuals are not permitted to chase. Marriage plays an important role in our society, and I personally don’t believe that people should be allowed to choose who other people are allowed to spend their life with. The right for homosexuals to marry has been a controversial topic since 1924. Denying homosexuals is a violation of our civil rights, and love should not be determined by your gender: love is love. Homosexuals only want one thing and that is a marriage licenses. They want to express their love for their partner, just like heterosexuals do. Heterosexuals have the right to be in love, why shouldn’t homosexuals? Why should homosexuals have to fight for their right to be in love, when heterosexuals can marry, and love anyone they want? Marriage is a beautiful experience where you get to express your love, and your commitment to that person. I believe that everyone should have the right to do so. Homosexuality is becoming an accepted lifestyle nowadays with most evidence strongly supporting marriage equality. According to NCSL, â€Å"as of January 2014, California, Connecticut, Delaware, Hawaii, Illinois, Iowa, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Minnesota, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, Rhode Island, Vermont, and Washington, including the District of Columbia have all legalized same-sex marriage.†Did you know that there is a tremendous amount of 598,791 gay couples, and 71,165 gay marriages? 53% of Americans strongly believe that same sex marriage should be legalized, while on the opposing side, 41% believe same sex marriage shouldn’t be legalized. How can homosexuality a... ...hat everyone thinks is the â€Å"normal†. Understand that everyone is equal, and it should always stay that way. Homosexuality is becoming accepted more and more in America, and whether it’s legalized or not, homosexuals are still going to be with whom they want to be with. Denying homosexuals, or anyone for that matter, is a violation of the civil rights. Discrimination is what’s wrong with our world, and denying homosexuals could put an end to all discrimination. Legalizing homosexuality will make the world a more peaceful place, and will allow each other to see what’s really on the inside. The labeling and homosexual jokes will finally come to an end, and people can love one another without questioning if it’s okay. Everyone is on the journey to find love in the world, and some people find that in the same gender. Love is love, and that’s all it really comes down to.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Marketing Analysis of Red Bull in UK
There are various factors which contribute to the performance or non-performance of a firm in the industry with respect to its marketing. In order that the barriers to successful launching and marketing of the product are removed, the firms adopt different strategies for marketing their products. It is not only the superiority of the product that determines the saleability of a product, but also how it is presented to the ultimate customers that also matters. The marketing strategies enable the firms to educate the customers on the utility as well as quality of the products so that the customers are made to buy and use the product.In this respect the non-traditional strategies for marketing adopted by Red Bull, the multinational energy drink manufacturer has made their product a spectacular success in large number of countries including the United States, where the Company has a very huge market share of the beverages market. This dissertation proposal identifies the key marketing st rategies of Red Bull in UK for a possible dissertation presentation. Marketing Analysis of Red Bull in UK 1. 0 Introduction: In 1982, Dietrich Mateschitz heard about â€Å"tonic drinks†in Asia.These drinks enjoyed wide spread popularity and this gave him the idea to market such functional drinks outside Asia. Red Bull was initially developed in Thailand. Mateschitz bought the rights to market it world-wide excluding Thailand, which continued producing its own brand. Thus in 1984, Mateschitz founded the Red Bull GmbH company. He tweaked the taste of the drink and also changed some ingredients in order to make the drink more effective as an energy booster. He also developed a unique marketing strategy and sold the product in the Austrian market.(Red Bull History) The dissertation proposed to be undertaken will present a comprehensive analytical report on the marketing strategy adopted by Red Bull for its success in the beverage market. 2. 0 Objectives, Scope and Research Metho dology of the Dissertation In order to present a comprehensive study paper on the Marketing Strategies of Red Bull the researcher proposes to make an extensive research in the available literature. To integrate the efforts and to fix the boundaries up to which the research is to be carried, this part of the proposal outlines the scope and objective of the study.The methods for conducting such research are also detailed herein. 2. 1 Objectives of the Study: The proposal for this dissertation paper identifies the following objectives with respect to the chosen topic of the ‘Marketing Analysis of Red Bull in the UK’. The objectives are: †¢ To make a complete analysis of the various marketing strategies adopted by Red Bull for the promotion of its product in the UK. Such analysis will include the elements of marketing as also the advertising concepts that are following by Red Bull as a part of the marketing strategy.†¢ To make a complete report on the efforts take n by the company, in strengthening its distribution processes and brand building as a part of the its marketing strategy †¢ To present a critical analysis of the superiority of the strategies for marketing that is being followed by ‘Red Bull. ’ The objects of this study are proposed to be achieved by a thorough research into the available literature on the company Red Bull and its marketing and distribution strategies.Being a company of recent origin and also because of a spectacular success in the beverages market, there are a number of articles and research studies available about the marketing strategies being adopted by the company. A research in to various professional journals, magazines and technical literature will provide a deep insight in to the topic undertaken by the researcher. There are quite a number of websites available in the internet would also provide the basic information required to complete the study. 2. 2 Scope of the Study:To achieve the ob jectives outlined, this proposal for the dissertation extends the scope of the study to the following areas for an extensive research and analysis: †¢ An in-depth study into the methods of advertising and sales promotion adopted by Red Bull as part of the marketing strategy will be undertaken by the researcher for the purpose of the presenting the dissertation. †¢ The study will extend to the analysis of the various other measures being taken by Red Bull which had the effect of promoting their product. Such measures include the sponsorship of extreme sports events by Red Bull.†¢ It is also proposed to make an analysis of the distinguishing features of the marketing strategies of Red bull. For this purpose, the study will detail an analysis of the impact of the marketing strategies and also evaluate the positive effects of the marketing strategies of the company Red Bull. 2. 3 Research Methodology: Different research methods are to be used to complete the dissertation project. It is important to use both secondary and primary sources of information to achieve the goal and objectives of the study. Overall, the inductive research method is to be used because it is more appropriate for the purpose of the dissertation.Jill and Johnson (2002) write that induction is the ‘construction of explanations and theories about what has been observed†¦ learning by reflecting upon particular past experiences and through the formulation of abstract concepts, theories and generalisations that explain past and predict future, experience’. Due to the practical nature of the chosen topic, ‘Marketing Analysis of Red bull in UK’ induction is more suitable since the author will first collect data, observe, analyse and only then present his findings and conclusions.Additionally, qualitative rather than quantitative research methods will be used because the aim of the project is not to analyse figures or statistics but to observe, interpret and make recommendations if any. The general belief of business research is often thought of as collecting data, constructing questionnaires and analysing data. But it also includes identifying the problem and how to proceed solving it (Ghauri et al. , 1995) Data sources can be described as the carriers of data (information). There are two types of data sources (Ghauri et al. , 1995) 1. Primary data (field) is collected specifically for the research project.This will be in the form of observations and interviews. 2. Secondary data (desk) is collected by others. These include academic and non-academic sources. 2. 4 Qualitative Methods: The qualitative method is ‘one of the two major approaches to research methodology in social science’, which involves ‘investigating participant’s opinions, behaviours and experiences from the informants' points of view’. In contrast with the quantitative research method, the qualitative research method ‘does not rely on quantitative measurement and mathematical models, but instead uses logical deductions to decipher gathered data dealing with the human element’.In qualitative research method non-quantitative’ methods of data collection and analysis are being used (Lofland & Lofland;1984) 2. 5 Quantitative Method: Quantitative method is a research method which depends less on subjective methods but is more focused on the collection and analysis of numerical data. Quantitative research involves analysis of numerical data. According to Burns and Grove, Quantitative research is: â€Å"a formal, objective, systematic process in which numerical data are utilised to obtain information about the research question†(Burns and Grove cited by Cormack 1991 p 140).Quantitative research uses the methods which are designed to ensure objectivity and reliability. In this method the researcher is considered external to the actual research and results are expected to be the same, no matte r who conducts the research.. Out of the above discussions on the research methodology, the proposal advocates, inductive and qualitative research methods for the preparation of the dissertation through primary as well as secondary sources. 3. 0 Literature Review: The Company Red Bull has emerged as a big success and is presently selling in large number of countries all over the world.The grand success of the company is mainly due to the novel marketing strategy adopted by the company in promoting its product by following unconventional means of advertising. Bevnet, the website on the beverage news indicates that â€Å"Red Bull is a utility drink to be taken against mental or physical weariness or exhaustion. †In fact this is the philosophy on which the marketing of Red Bull is based. But in spite of the heavy advertising â€Å"Countries like Norway, Denmark and France are so nervous about the can’s contents, they’ve banned the sale of Red Bull. †(CBC N ews) Websites like claim that â€Å"Red Bull energy drink contains a banned, government –manufactured stimulant linked to the formation of brain tumours†. But Red Bull never got perturbed by these negative campaigns. This literature review makes a presentation on the marketing strategies adopted by the company for the promotion of its products in the UK. While discussing the superiority of the marketing strategy of the company, the study also details the efforts of the company in the brand building. 3. 1 Marketing Strategy of Red Bull in UK: Red Bull GmBH is a privately owned Austrian company, with sales of $1640 million in 2003 and 1850 employees.Since introducing Red Bull in 1987, the brunt of investment for the company has been in brand building and quirky marketing. While many companies spend on product diversification, Red Bull has stuck constantly to their single product with its unchanged taste. Red Bull also has unusual distribution. The company reli es heavily on bars and night clubs, where they let people sample the product. They also sponsor alternative sports to promote the drink. Traditional advertising is the last thing that the company invests in. Red Bull has built for itself an image of being a luxury or an identification of a lifestyle.Red Bull claims that â€Å"Research has proven that just one or two cans of Red Bull can help alleviate the effects of tiredness – there is no added benefit in consuming the product in excessive amounts†(BBC. Co. UK). The strong point for the marketing of Red Bull in UK is the strong distribution set up it holds in there. Such stronger distribution is not prevalent in the other markets for Red Bull. Red Bull has spread its wings in the US also. Amy Scott observes â€Å"Popular in Europe for years, Red Bull has been making a slow and steady dent in the American energy drink market.†Money Culture says â€Å"In the US Red Bull is popular with college kids and night c lubbers, whom the company aggressively targets. †3. 2 Distribution Network of Red Bull in UK: In the year 2002 Red bull dominated 46 percent of the sports drink market in the UK. The company was able to achieve this great a height in the sports drink market, by a strong distribution network it carries in UK which is considered as its best marketing strategy for the promotion of sales. As a start up measure Red Bull approached small distributors and encouraged them to stock and sell the drink Red Bull only.With the successful brand building by the company the distributor would be able to break even within a short period and will become profitable in just less than six months. Then the distributor becomes attached to the selling of the drink and starts to get supplies directly from the company. Similar arrangements are being entered with other forms of selling points like hot night clubs and trendy pubs and bars. Along with supplies of few cases of the drinks, the company suppl ies a Red Bull Branded Cooler and other Promotional materials.Such a kind of distribution approach gives not only a larger visibility for the product but also a fertile ground for the new drinks to emerge victorious against competition. The company also had internal set up with separate units responsible for selected areas. These units will be responsible for creating the distribution networks, communication with the networks, marketing and sales promotion in the designated areas though the developed distribution network. 3. 3 Marketing Mix Strategy of Red Bull: Traditional marketing usually falls into the following four categories which can be controlled.They are product, price, place and promotion and are known as the marketing mix. James Culliton described the marketing manager as a ‘mixer of ingredients’. However the term was popularized in 1964 when Neil H. Borden in an article referred to them as the ‘marketing mix’. (Net MBA) Red Bull how ever has it s own marketing mix strategy. The company spent close to six million pounds on marketing in 1998. The marketing strategy of Red Bull is dependent up on three important aspects which are known as ‘Three Pillar Marketing System’. They are: †¢ The first one is mainstream media advertising.†¢ The second is extreme sports events sponsorship and †¢ Third, by sampling presentations to the consumers 3. 4 Porter’s Five Forces Analysis: The five forces analysis on Red Bull can be summarized as below: Barriers to New Entrants: The beverage drink industry needs a strong distribution network for the distribution of the drinks. The access to the distribution network poses a barrier for any new entrant. Moreover building a brand image needs considerable time and money being spent on the product promotion which also acts as a barrier for new entries in the market. Power of Customers:The force of power of customers acts very strongly on the total beverage market as there are a number of alternative products available and switching to the alternate product doesn’t cost the consumer any extra cost. Hence even a small variation in quality or price will have an immediate impact on the product showing a strong customer power. Power of Suppliers: It cannot be said that the power of suppliers has a major impact on the industry as the major ingredients are not very scarce. Mostly each beverage company has its own formulas that cannot be infringed by any competitor or supplier.The major raw materials are water and some chemicals which are easily available in the market. Hence power of suppliers is not strong force acting on the industry. Substitute Products: There are a plenty of substitutes available in the market in the form of soft drinks that attract the customers through promotions and catchy advertising campaigns. The competition is made stiff with the availability of a number of substitute products. Hence this force needs to be reckoned while assessing the strength of the product within the market. Competitor Rivalry:Already the industry is facing heavy competition among the major players with their established brands. In addition, the forces of ‘powers of customers’ and the ‘availability of substitute products’ also adds up the competition. So in order to achieve growth in the market share and sustain the growth achieved Red Bull should continue to follow all its marketing strategies and novel ideas of retaining old customers and attracting new customers. 5. 0 Structure of the Final Dissertation: The dissertation paper proposes to make a comprehensive report on the Marketing Strategy of the Company Red Bull Gmbh in UK.With the help of the collected information from the various sources, the report will identify the various marketing strategies adopted by Red Bull in UK for its successful launch and growth in the UK market and also critically analyse the strengths and weaknesses of such str ategies. In addition, the study will cover the Competitors’ strengths against Red Bull. In order to have a coherence of thought and clarity the dissertation paper will be structured as below: Abstract Chapter 1 Introduction Chapter 2 Literature Review Chapter 3 Research Methodology Chapter 4 Findings and Discussion Chapter 5 Conclusion RecommendationReferences Appendices The dissertation will generally follow the flow and substance outlined in the body of this proposal. Wherever necessary additional inputs in the form of excerpts from books and journal articles will be included to increase the informative strength of the concept, although the structure of the dissertation will be maintained as outlined here. 6. 0 Time Table: In order to accomplish the data collection, analysis and summing up being major processes of writing up the dissertation paper, the preparation and presentation of the dissertation report has been proposed to follow the time schedule indicated below:Submi ssion of Dissertation Proposal: 15th May 2007 Approval of the Proposal : 20th May 2007 Collection of Data : 30th May 2007 Collection of resources : 15th June 2007 Preparation of Draft Report : 20th June 2007 Submission of Final Dissertation : 25th June 2007 References: 1. Amy Scott It's Not the Thirsty, But Energy Fiends Who Imbibe Red Bull http://journalism. berkeley. edu/projects/drink/redbull. html 2. Anni Layne Rodgers (2001)It’s a (Red) Bull Market After All Fast Company. comhttp://www. fastcompany. com/articles/2001/10/redbull. html 3. BBC. Co. UK Prison for Red Bull Binge Driver http://news. bbc. co. uk/1/hi/england/norfolk/4634638. stm 4. Bevenet Red Bull Energy Drink http://www. bevnet. com/reviews/redbull/ 5. Burns and Grove cited by Cormack (1991), p. 140, taken form ‘Ways of Approaching Research: Quantitative Design’ in December 2003. 6. CBC News (2005) Raging Bull: Health warnings over popular energy drink being brushed off? http://www. cbc. ca/consu mers/market/files/health/redbull/index. html 7. Drawert. com The Marketing Mix Strategyhttp://www. drawert. com/red_bull_7. php 8. Gobe (2001) Emotional Branding: The New Paradigm for Connecting Brands to People Allworth Press 9. Ghauri, P. , Gronhaug K and Kristianslund I. , (1995) â€Å"Research methods in business studies – a practical guide†Hempstead, Prentice Hall 10. Jill, J. and Johnson, P. (2002). Research methods for managers. 3d ed. London: Sage Publications 11. Lofland, John and Lyn H. Lofland. (1984). Analyzing Social Settings: A Guide to Qualitative Observation and Analysis. Belmont, CA: Wadsworth. 12. Money Culture The Murketing of Red Bull http://www.robwalker. net/html_docs/redbull. html 13. Nancy F. Koehn, (2001) Brand New: How Entrepreneurs Earned Consumers' Trust from Wedgwood to Dell Harvard Business School Press 14. Net MBA The Marketing Mix: The 4 P’s of Marketing http://www. netmba. com/marketing/mix/ 15. Red Bull History A Refreshed Crew is an Efficient Crew http://www. speedace. info/red_bull. htm 16. Saunders, M. , Lewis, P. and Thornhill, A. (2003) â€Å"Research Methods for business students†3rd ed. , Harlow, Essex, FT Prentice Hall 17. Snopes. com Bull Marketed http://www. snopes. com/medical/potables/redbull. asp
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Presentation Skills
Presentation skills relate to us as a person, its what other people see as they approach us, for example appropriate clothes and a smart appearance and the welcoming with give them and our face expression, every single thing we do sends a message to them about us. 1. Body language – Using your body and hands to express yourself. 2. Verbal and non-verbal – Verbal communication is when you make speech with another person and non-verbal can be done by body language and/or sign language. 3. Listening – Pay interest to someone or something in order to hear them. 4.Seeking clarifications – Looking for something clearer or easier to understand by giving more details or a simpler explanation. 5. Responsiveness – Being responsive is when you make a positive and quick reaction to something or someone. 6. Eye contact – Looking at the person, or people, talking to show you’re participating and paying attention to the conservation. †¢ Employer s must be clean and tidy all time because it wouldn’t be a pleasant to be around dirty and unhygienic people. Body Language Our body language is the term given to the messages we pass on by our gestures, facial expressions, posture and our body positions. Gestures is used to communicate who is a distance away, gestures usually reveal our feelings , it is very easy for someone else to relies that we are nervous for example touching out hair or smoothing down your clothes. Every single thing we do gives someone an idea of what we are thinking for example, shrugging your shoulders which is inappropriate basically giving a impression that we don’t care. Another example when a student is being spoken to they look around gives us a message that they don’t care.Also if a customer in your business is tapping a foot or drumming their figures is a sign that they are getting impatient. Our body position tells others about you, †¢ Facial expressions gives away your tho ughts and emotions. You can always notice if a person is surprised ,disappointed ,bored, joy and even sexual attraction with our eyes and facial expressions. It is inappropriate as a worker you are yawning or raising your eye brow to your customer which would give them you don’t like them, then that causes inconvenient arguments and fights. Your Posture displays your confidence and attitude, for example if you are a teacher you can not slouch and crossing your legs or arms is a defensive positions. There’s different ways of what we do gives a straight forward message where as if you are leaning forward means you are interested and sitting upright and relaxed shows a good positive look. †¢ Your Body Positions tells others how you feel about them, its really like a relationship for example the closer you stand next to a person shows you like each other and other strangers would know you either are a couple or really good friends.It shows you are interested in them, sometimes when teachers nodding there head or shaking there head shows there agreeing with you or disagreeing. Presentation skills are important to customer service because it is a good start point for your organization to keep their policies customer policies friendly, because companies have to provide excellent customer service, this ensures that employees know what to do when they are dealing with customers, which is a success to the business. Good customer service attracts more customers and increases sales.It also improves the business reputation which means customers just through recommendations. Interpersonal skills †¢ Behaviour If you are a friendly person then you will usually be acting normal and behave in a cheerful and friendly way. It has been said if you enjoy your job and if you like working with people you will normally behave in a courteous and thoughtful way and respect their feelings. To be a good committed worker you can not cheat on your employer, tell lies , arrive late, leave early and also pretending being sick . ou would have to be mature about your employers decisions and not sulk in a childish way. †¢ Attitude Our attitude is influenced by the way we think, it more likely if you are depressed you would act negative, if you are fed up you will give up. Its about what you enjoy for example if you enjoy being around people then you person then you would be focused and motivated. You would have to be positive about your work and customers which would give an up beat image of the organisation. Interpersonal skills are the most important skill that anyone can have and should have to be successful.This skill is how people judge one another, Interpersonal skills are related to communicational skills but are more specific about an individuals behaviour and include co-operating, sharing, listening, participating, leadership, and negotiation. Interpersonal skills that you have in your private life is different to the way you use at wor k. Without acting professional or if you don’t show interest in helping your customers you would get fired by your employers because he or she wont be proud of your behaviour regardless how you feel personally. Communication skills Communication Skills Formal and informalVerbal and non-verbal Listening Seeking clarifications Responsiveness Eye contact Body language Use of business language Adapt communication to audience Presentational skills Invite commitment Regardless of what business you are in , a large corporation, a small company, effective communication skills are essential for success. You would need to speak to your customers politely and have a nice smooth tone just the way you talk to your tutor and the way you would talk if you was in a interview. You would have to know when you should be formal and informal on the phone or speaking to your manager.Verbal communication is when you make a speech with another person and non verbal can be done by body language and s ign language. Being assertive in listening and speaking will mean that your intentions are clear to others and you understand others clearly and correctly. You would have to speak clearly so that your customer understands. Also the pace of your voice which you speak it is not a good impression if you speak slow which will make employers think your shy or nervous. In a company you would not be able to speak slang around business staffs.Communicating with all the other organisers will help meet the organisation function more effectively as the business will run a lot smoother and everyone in the business will know what is happening, and what they have to do to keep the business running. Keeping a steady frame of mind is good communication and when a problem crops up, each area leader should get together and talk through the problems and come to some sort of agreement. It is important that staff prevent themselves appropriately and prepare their work area before the djz arrive and visi tors.In life fm majority of customers are members of the public coming to advertise staff or radio or people that have interviews and because I was working at the reception area I was to be smartly dressed and also to be approachable to speak to this includes having good hygiene. It was extremely important that I had a positive attitude towards djs and my staff. It was important that the desk I was working at was clean and tidy before visitors arrive to provide a pleasant and sufficient enviorment to give the impression to the customers that radio station was looked well after. Dress CodeI was instructed by my manager to wear a smart blouse with smart trousers and shoes no trainers. Positive attitude While on my work experience I was expected to be professionally present. Posture I had to have a good posture which means sitting down and looking confident, I had to look interested and not bored by yawning answering the phone in rude way. Personal space It was important that I was a d esk top away from our Life Fm vistors when they came in, which is a comftable way for both side, First impression The first impression of life fm was it looked clean and staff didn’t look scruffy which looked like a successful organised business.
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